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The Virtual Library on Migration facilitates access to documents and research published by different IOM missions both in the region and globally, as well as repositories related to other United Nations agencies, academia and civil society.

In the framework of the XXXIII General Assembly of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (PARLATINO), held on 9 and 10 June 2017, More than 200 parliamentarians from Latin America and the Caribbean led the High-level Parliamentary Dialogue on Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean.…

Outcome Report "High-level Parliamentary Dialogue on…

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal
Language: Spanish

Migration in the Caribbean is a growing challenge. The Global Compact on Migration (GCM) for a safe, orderly and regular migration presents an opportunity for the Caribbean region to include its significant, and particular, perspective, and experiences into the consultation process.

Report on results: Sub-regional Caribbean Consultations…

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal
Language: English

The Government of Guatemala, being aware of the importance of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) for the country, decided to carry out an inter-institutional process to formulate a national position to contribute to the first phase of the preparatory process…

Position of the Government of Guatemala Regarding the…

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal
Language: English

Migration and family remittances are issues of great relevance to El Salvador.

National Survey of Migration and Remittances El Salvador…

Thematic Area: Labor mobility and human development, Migration Data
Language: Spanish

 This instrument has classified a set of indicators of compliance with the Palermo Protocol.

Compliance Indicators: Committments Taken on with Regard to…

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal
Language: English

This document responds to the commitment of the eleven Member Countries of the Regional Conference on Migration (CRM) to promote, protect and guarantee the rights of migrant women in the region, in accordance with their international commitments.

Guidelines for the care and protection of women in the…

Thematic Area: Migrant protection and assistance
Language: English, Spanish

This preliminary document is a summary of one of the inputs that the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) is providing as a contribution to the Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration (GMP), to be agreed in 2018, as envisaged in the New York Declaration…

Overview of international migration in the Caribbean (…

Thematic Area: Migration Data
Language: Spanish

This paper presents a contextual analysis of the mutual relations between migration and women’s empowerment with the aim to facilitate the debate among stakeholders, including policymakers, practitioners and civil society in the Caribbean subregion on the role of migration as a means of…

Women’s empowerment and migration in the Caribbean

Thematic Area: Migration, environment, and climate change, Migrant protection and assistance
Language: English