Communication on Migration (CoM) draws upon different approaches from communication sciences, with the aim of facilitating audiovisual, technological, strategic and educational content on migration from a human rights perspective.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has challenged migrant YouTubers to share their arrival stories in their host countries through creative videos that showcase their best selves, their culture, and the connections they forge with the people who welcome them. These videos aim to…

The #YoCamino (#IWalk) campaign aims to promote behavioral changes in children and adolescents, through verified information that allows them to identify the risks of irregular migration and recommend other young people to learn about migratory processes and the importance of migrating in a safe…

Permanent campaign of the IOM regional office for Central America, North America and the Caribbean, to share essential information on migration-related topics, as well as to clarify misused concepts. The videos are available in Spanish and English, and some of them are in French.

IOM podcast series where migrants and refugees talk about their experience and discuss different topics with experts.
Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal, Media and Communications

Assisted Voluntary Return is a special temporary program created by IOM to facilitate assisted voluntary return for migrants who are stranded in Mexico or Guatemala and lack the resources necessary to return to their homes.

The campaign "Speak the Truth" (Pale Verite) is framed into the "Migrants as Messengers" model and has adapted the C4D methodology to crisis and emergency contexts. It targets potential migrants in Haiti and Haitian migrants in South American transit countries. Its objective is…
Thematic Area: Migrant protection and assistance, Operations and emergencies, Media and Communications

In 2019, IOM carried out 4 Communication for Development processes in communities in Mexico and Central America, to promote change in the knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning migration.

Community Response Map is a feedback platform which facilitates online tracking, compilation and visual mapping of communications received by target communities. This tool has been developed by IOM to enhance community engagement and two-way communications.