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IASC Interim Guidance - Public Health and Social Measures for COVID-19 Preparedness and Response in Low Capacity and Humanitarian Settings

Thematic Area
Migration Health

For the purpose of this guidance, these low capacity and humanitarian settings refer to settings characterized by some or all of the following, regardless of the social, humanitarian, citizenship, migration and asylum status of its residents and where these settings are located:

1. Overcrowding and inadequate dwellings or shelter/ insufficient settlement infrastructure
2. Lack of availability of clean water and sanitation
3. High dependence on informal economy and daily wages
4. Poor access to health care and basic services
5. Disrupted health system
6. Prevalent food insecurity and malnutrition
7. Armed conflict and violence
8. Weak institutions/ challenged governance and lack of emergency response capacities
9. Prevalence of highly marginalized and underserved communities