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Labour migration - A case study of Guatemalan youth in Mexico

Thematic Area
Labor mobility and human development

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) work together in the northern region of Central America to understand the links between labour dynamics and human mobility and to learn about the migration experience of young people of working age (aged 15-25) and who seek Mexico as a final destination or have decided to reside temporarily or permanently in that country to insert themselves in the labor market and know their hiring dynamics.  This study presents elements to know the recruitment and recruitment process. In addition, human mobility events linked to youth work and an evaluation of the conditions of youth who migrate to work in Mexico are identified. From the conversations with people between 15 and 25 years and the officials who serve this population were identified: labor dynamics, human mobility events linked to youth work, needs and institutional limitations as well as, conditions they face before and during the migratory event.

This document is available in Spanish.