Regional guidelines for the preliminary identification of profiles and reference mechanisms of vulnerable migrant populations
The concern to ensure respect for the human rights of migrants - regardless of their migratory status - has been a constant in the countries that are members of the Regional Conference on Migration (CRM), evidenced in multiple resolutions and initiatives over the years. This concern has historically evolved in response to the growing complexity of migration flows in the region that brings new protection and assistance challenges. In this way, the member countries of the RCM have not only recognized the urgent need to guarantee protection due to migrants who have been victims of transnational crimes, such as trafficking in persons but also to other groups of migrants in situations of vulnerability, such as unaccompanied/as and/or separated/as children and adolescents, persons who have been victims of theft, rape, abuse or abduction on the migration route, asylum-seekers or refugees, as well as transcontinental migrants.