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Report: Humanitarian Response at Migrant Reception Centers in the face of the pandemic by COVID-19 (25 March - 02 July 2020) - Panama

Thematic Area
Operations and emergencies

Following the declaration of a pandemic by COVID-19 by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, several countries in the Central American region implemented a series of measures,in which the closure of land borders and alterations in border management policies as a public health measure stand out. This closure of borders once again provoked a migratory crisis of 2,520 extra-regional people stranded in the Migrant Reception Centers in Panama, which has been going on for 90 to 120 days, mainly in the province of Darién.  This report presents a contextualization of the emergency that has been triggered by the pandemic caused by COVID-19 with the migrant population stranded as a result of mobility restrictions in Central America.  Likewise, the analysis of the humanitarian response that has taken place during the months of April, May and June, and the result of these efforts under humanitarian standards required in the context of pandemic and shelter management.

This document is available in Spanish.