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The Virtual Library on Migration facilitates access to documents and research published by different IOM missions both in the region and globally, as well as repositories related to other United Nations agencies, academia and civil society.

The main objective is to document the causes and consequences of migration in the region and to identify possible development areas that will serve as the basis for the Comprehensive Plan of Attention to Migration in Central America (PAIM-SICA).

Findings of the baseline study on migration and…

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal
Language: Spanish

In order to better understand the contexts of return and reintegration in Mexico and northern Central America, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has conducted a number of studies at the country and regional levels.

Study on Reintegration: Migration and Cities | Honduras…

Thematic Area: Migrant protection and assistance
Language: Spanish

Illustrated children's book that recounts the migratory journey of the raggae band Talawa.

The Tale of the Lion and the Coyote

Thematic Area: Operations and emergencies
Language: Spanish, English

This handbook for emergency shelter management in Dominica aims to equip actors with the knowledge, skills and resources needed to successfully manage emergency shelters.

This document is available in Spanish.

Emergency shelter management manual for shelter managers…

Thematic Area: Operations and emergencies
Language: English

The present guide is intended to provide key information on the importance of a psychosocial approach to post-arrival reintegration counselling, describing the basic counselling and communication skills necessary to conduct a successful and psychologically informed reintegration counselling…

Reintegration Counselling: A Psychosocial Approach

Thematic Area: Migrant protection and assistance, Migration Health
Language: English

Similar to the above, this edition of the IOM Migration Glossary is an accessible collection of definitions of migration-related terminology. It is designed for a wide range of people involved in international migration. It also provides some ideas on regional and national practices.

Glossary on Migration

Thematic Area:
Language: Spanish

This directory details the homes and shelters available to assist migrants in Mexico.

The document is available in Spanish.

Directory of Homes and Shelters for Migrants 2018

Thematic Area: Migrant protection and assistance
Language: Spanish

The Regional Conference on Migration (RCM), as a regional consultation process committed to the Human Rights of migrants, has promoted various initiatives throughout its 23 years of existence.

Event Memory on the First Congress on Women in Migratory…

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal, Migrant protection and assistance
Language: English, Spanish