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The Virtual Library on Migration facilitates access to documents and research published by different IOM missions both in the region and globally, as well as repositories related to other United Nations agencies, academia and civil society.

The Latin American and Caribbean Regional Meeting of Experts on International Migration preparatory to the Global Compact for Safe Migration, Orderly and Regular was held on 30 and 31 August 2017 at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in…

Preliminary report of the Latin American and Caribbean…

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal
Language: Spanish

In keeping with its mandate, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade (MFAFT) conducted a mapping survey among a sample of Jamaicans living outside of the country.

Mapping Jamaica’s Diaspora

Thematic Area: Labor mobility and human development
Language: English

The Government of Honduras, by way of the Secretariat for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (SRECI), and being aware of the importance of formulating a national position to contribute to the Preparatory Phase leading to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM…

National Position of Honduras Regarding the Global Compact…

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal
Language: English

Within the framework of the XXXIII General Assembly of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (PARLATINO), held on 09-10 June 2017, more than 200 legislators from throughout Latin America and the Caribbean participated in the High-Level Parliamentary Dialogue on Migration in Latin America…

Report on Results of the High-Level Parliamentary Dialogue…

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal
Language: English

This document is a non-binding guide adopted by the countries of the region in the framework of the Regional Conference on Migration.

Regional Guidelines for Action for the Comprehensive…

Thematic Area: Migrant protection and assistance, Policy, governance and liaison, and legal
Language: Spanish

This document is a non-binding guide adopted by the Regional Conference on Migration Member Countries.

Regional Guidelines for the Comprehensive Protection of…

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal, Migrant protection and assistance
Language: English

The study aims to generate evidence on the vulnerabilities faced and the situation of violence affecting migrant women in Central America.

Risk Factors and Care Needs for Migrant Women in Central…

Thematic Area: Gender and migration, Migrant protection and assistance
Language: Spanish

The Mesoamerican Regional Program "Strengthening Capacities for Protection and Assistance to Migrants in Situations of Vulnerability" IOM, makes a series of efforts to improve the protection of rights and assistance to migrant children and women who migrate in vulnerable conditions, victims of…

Paths of light and shadow

Thematic Area: Migrant protection and assistance
Language: Spanish