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The Virtual Library on Migration facilitates access to documents and research published by different IOM missions both in the region and globally, as well as repositories related to other United Nations agencies, academia and civil society.

Disqualification reflects the existence of impediments affecting the mobility of people and their talents; however, this phenomenon does not affect equally men and women.

Crushed Hopes: underemployment and deskilling among skilled…

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal
Language: English

This publication provides an overview of the situation of the Costa Rican labour market and the distribution and dynamics of migrant workers resident in Costa Rica, as well as the degree of compliance with labour obligations for this population.

The foreign population in Costa Rica: Main economic…

Thematic Area: Labor mobility and human development
Language: Spanish

This publication offers an overview of the situation of the Costa Rican labor market and the distribution and dynamics of migrant workers residing in Costa Rica; as well as the degree of compliance with labor obligations for this population.

The foreign population in Costa Rica: Main economic…

Thematic Area: Labor mobility and human development
Language: English, Spanish

The aim of this study is to analyse the situation of migrant children and adolescents, with emphasis on unaccompanied migrants and those in situations of child labour.

This document is available in Spanish.

Migrant Children and Adolescents in Central America and…

Thematic Area: Migrant protection and assistance
Language: Spanish

Research on trafficking in persons, especially for the purpose of labour exploitation, is more important than ever.

Trafficking in persons for labour exploitation in Central…

Thematic Area: Migrant protection and assistance
Language: Spanish

While migration from the South to the North has traditionally received greater attention, there has been a growing interest in analysing migration within the countries of the South in recent years.

Migration and development within the South: New evidence…

Thematic Area: Migration Data
Language: English

The concern to ensure respect for the human rights of migrants - regardless of their migratory status - has been a constant in the countries that are members of the Regional Conference on Migration (CRM), evidenced in multiple resolutions and initiatives over the years.

Regional guidelines for the preliminary identification of…

Thematic Area: Migrant protection and assistance
Language: Spanish, English

The "Psychosocial Care Guide for Migrant Returnees and Victims of Trafficking" was developed as part of the project "Reintegration of Migrant Returnees and Victims of Trafficking in El Salvador".

Psychosocial care guide for migrant returnees in vulnerable…

Thematic Area: Migrant protection and assistance, Migration Health
Language: Spanish