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Strengthening Communities for Primary Health Care


This good practice was developed by the IOM office in Panama, seeking to improve community health surveillance and the evaluation of epidemic-prone diseases, by strengthening community response capacity of the regional and local authorities and communities that received Venezuelan population flows in Panama.

This initiative was implemented in order to improve the health response, public health surveillance systems and cross-border coordination in the geographical areas with the largest migrant population in Panama, enabling the continuity of health services, and multinational coordination, thus strengthening community capacity to prevent outbreaks and other health conditions among Venezuelan migrants and host communities in the country.

Main Actions
  • Association and presentation of the project Strengthening Communities for Primary Health Care
  • Creation of the technical team to support and strengthen capacities in primary health care
  • Health care capacity building training
  • Community Health Surveillance Activities and Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Strategy.
  • Migrant people, particularly venezuelan migrants and their host communities 