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Work plan on smuggling of migrants

The Work Plan on the Smuggling of Migrants of the Network of Liaison Officers on Combating the Smuggling of Migrants and Trafficking in Persons of the Regional Conference on Migration, aims at guiding and promoting regional cooperation to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants, while protecting the rights of smuggled migrants, in particular those who are victims of related crimes.

This document is available in Spanish.

Findings of the baseline study on migration and displacement in the SICA region

The main objective is to document the causes and consequences of migration in the region and to identify possible development areas that will serve as the basis for the Comprehensive Plan of Attention to Migration in Central America (PAIM-SICA). The study is the result of the joint work of SICA, IOM and UNHCR. It was developed through a collaborative methodology that included inter-agency workshops with the eight Member States, in which more than 70 government officials participated.

Search for Missing Migrants in Central and North America: Five Good Practices from Organized Civil Society

Every year, thousands of people leave their homes in an attempt to forge a future that has become virtually unattainable in their countries of origin. Economic deprivation, lack of access to education and employment, structural violence, natural disasters and political instability have motivated people around the world, but mainly from Central American countries and Mexico, to seek a new life in the United States of America.

This document is available in Spanish.

Migration Governance Indicators Profile 2021 | Republic of Nicaragua

This migration governance profile presents a summary of the well-developed areas of Nicaragua’s migration governance structures, as well as areas with potential for further development, according to the evaluation carried out by the Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs). MGIs are a set of approximately 90 indicators that help countries assess their migration policies and contribute to the discussion on migration governance by defining what could be a "well-managed migration policy".

Human mobility from disasters and climate change in Central America

The environment governs life and all its forms by providing the conditions for the formation, adaptation and maintenance of individuals and communities. Thus, when sudden or gradual extreme events such as storms, earthquakes or drought, among others, exacerbated or not by climate change, the living conditions of populations suffer alterations that can force their members to leave their territories, affecting their sources and forms of social reproduction.

Human mobility caused by disasters and climate change in Central America

This report contributes to a better understanding of the evidence on the link between human mobility, environment, disasters and climate change through a mapping of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. The study also aims to: verify the political and legal responses to this nexus in the seven countries of Central America; formulate recommendations or general guidelines for the development of data harvesting mechanisms; and verify the extent to which the definition of climate migration proposed by IOM is applied in the region.

Awareness Raising and Capacity building activities against human trafficking and migrant smuggling during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons from Nicaragua
IOM Nicaragua adapted its intervention activities against human trafficking and migrant smuggling to the new trends of the crime provoke by the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The mission also expanded its response and adapted the training modalities.