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The Virtual Library on Migration facilitates access to documents and research published by different IOM missions both in the region and globally, as well as repositories related to other United Nations agencies, academia and civil society.

In Panama, the DTM was activated in 2019, in response to the irregular arrival of groups of extraregional migrants from the Caribbean, Africa and Asia, through the Darién National Park on the border with Colombia.

Panama - Analysis of Surveys on Monitoring Flows of Extra-…

Thematic Area: Migration Data
Language: Spanish

In Panama, the DTM was activated in 2019 in response to the arrival of extra-regional migrants from the Caribbean, Africa and Asia, though the National Park Darien in the Colombia border.

Panama – Analysis Of Flow Monitoring Surveys To…

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal
Language: English

The publication was prepared within the framework of the "Return and Reintegration Project in the Northern Triangle of Central America" and its objective is to provide facilitators with a methodological guide for organizing and implementing local psychosocial care groups, that also involve…

Handbook for facilitators of psychosocial care groups to…

Thematic Area: Migrant protection and assistance, Migration Health
Language: Spanish

Through the review of documentary sources, this publication determines the state of integration of mobility references into climate frameworks and identifies a number of opportunities for concrete progress in this area.

This document is available in Spanish.

Human Mobility in the Climate Agenda of the Americas: Needs…

Thematic Area: Migration, environment, and climate change
Language: Spanish

With an expanding labor market in many cities and regions of Mexico, the country is likely to become a destination country for thousands of foreign people.

Basic Manual for Hiring Migrants in Mexico

Thematic Area: Labor mobility and human development
Language: Spanish

In recent years there has been a significant increase in the flow of Venezuelan citizens to different countries of South America, Central America and the Caribbean, including an increase in the arrival of Venezuelan population in the Republic of Panama.

Situation of the Venezuelan refugee and migrant population…

Thematic Area: Migration Data
Language: Spanish

The purpose of the "Regional Framework Law" is to create a legal and guiding framework that contributes to a safe, orderly and regular migration, based on respect, guaranteeing the human rights of migrants in all phases of the migration process, giving special attention to populations in…

Regional Framework Law on Migration with a Human Rights…

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal
Language: Spanish, English

The Panama Profile of the Migration Governance Indicators was developed through an inter-institutional consultation and validation process led by IOM, that was conducted from October of 2018 until April of 2019. 

Migration Governance Indicators

Thematic Area: Policy, governance and liaison, and legal, Migration Data
Language: Spanish, English