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Cultural reintegration of returnees without roots


This systematization shows the work carried out by IOM El Salvador in a program for the cultural reintegration of returned migrants called My New Life Is.

The objective was to provide the returned migrant population without roots, with immediate attention and the necessary support to allow a dignified process based on the full enjoyment of their rights and their integration or reintegration into life in El Salvador. For this, the program carried out a series of actions such as immediate assistance in the return to the country, execution of the Emergency Humanitarian Attention Protocol, preparation of a Support Plan, carrying out administrative actions, among others.

Main Actions


  • Execution  of the Emergency Protocol for Humanitarian Assistance
  • Immediate assistance in the return to the country’s Support Plan
  • Administrative actions Referral of the case from the Directorate of Attention to Migrants (DAMI) to the OIM
  • Young adults (women and men between the ages of 35 and 45 with some exceptions) who left the country when they were children and have returned to El Salvador.