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Strengthening institutional capacities for the prevention of violence against women, trafficking and femicide in Central America


IOM, carried out an initiative for strengthening the institutional capacities in the prevention and response to violence against women, trafficking and femicide in the countries of Belize, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. This was done by consolidating regional coordination efforts to stablishing dialogue and decision-making spaces, articulating the inter-institutional work formed by the National Commissions. This document explores lessons learned and recommendations from the main actions carried out by the mission.

Main Actions
  • Development of management mechanisms for the project Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America.
  • Collaborative work and first steps in regional, national, and local coordination.
  • Work plans by country and follow-up in the implementation of the project Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America.
  • Care Strengthening mechanisms implemented locally by the participating countries.
  • Government institutions that address violence related topics 
  • Women of every age
  • Institutions
Costa Rica
El Salvador
Dominican Republic