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Offshore: migrants and castaways at sea diagnosis on irregular migration and smuggling of migrants by sea in Mexico

This research invites specialists in the migration phenomenon from the different sectors working on behalf of migrants and their human rights, consult this diagnosis with the aim of continuing to add knowledge and recommendations that are useful for the design of public policies that, according to the vision of IOM, contribute to a safe, orderly and humane migration.

This document is available in Spanish.

Monitoring Report Assisted Voluntary Return Programs June-July 2021

This report summarizes the results of surveys of 67 beneficiaries of IOM’s Assisted Voluntary Return Programme (AVR), assisted from May to July 2021. provides important information on the experiences of migrants in countries of destination and origin, as well as plans for re-migrating, their physical and mental health status, financial security, employment, physical security and any assistance received after their return. Programmes in Mexico and North Central American countries. No. 7

The document is available in Spanish.

Processes of economic, labor and social participation of migrant women in Chiapas, Mexico

This diagnosis builds a general and current picture of the processes of economic, labor and social participation of migrant women in the Pacific and Central corridors in Chiapas, Mexico, to identify good practices, challenges, needs and areas of opportunity, with the aim of strengthening actions aimed at promoting the socio-economic integration of migrant women in Chiapas. 

This document is available in Spanish.

Monitoring Report Assisted Voluntary Return Programs September 2021

This report summarizes the results of surveys of 57 beneficiaries of IOM’s Assisted Voluntary Return Programme (RVA), assisted from August to September 2021. The collection of qualitative as well as demographic data provides important information on the experiences of migrants in countries of destination and origin, as well as plans to migrate again, their physical and mental health status, financial security, employment, physical security and any assistance received after their return. Programmes in Mexico and North Central American countries. No. 8

"If not by sheer necessity" Deaths and disappearances on migratory routes in North and Central America

Since 2014, more than 5,000 deaths and disappearances have been documented along migratory routes through Central America, North America and the Caribbean, although many more are likely to remain undocumented. In some places, this crisis of migrant deaths is widely publicized, but in others it is not sufficiently known.

Covid-19 Response & Filter Hotels: Lessons from Mexico
To prevent the contagion of COVID-19, migrant care shelters implemented a closed-door policy and significantly reduced their shelter capacity, increasing the risk and vulnerability of migrant groups. IOM Mexico responded to this scenario by establishing Filter Hotels in two border areas of the country, allowing migrants to quarantine safely and humanely before resuming their activities.
Labor Channeling Mechanism (MECAL) COVID-19 Adaptations, Lessons from Mexico
Mexico was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. IOM Mexico conducted adaptations (or revisions) in its capacity-building activities for labor market integration of migrants under the MECAL initiative.