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Manual Returning Home. A guide that will help you plan a better return to Mexico

Return is present in the minds of many migrants during their stay in the United States. For some it becomes reality and for many others it is postponed indefinitely. For the government of the state of Puebla, the welfare of migrants is important, wherever they choose to live. That is why this booklet has been developed with information that can be useful for people either on during their stay in the United States or after their return to Mexico.

This document is available in Spanish.

Guidelines for the care and protection of women in the context of migration

Despite the growing feminization of migration, the invisibility of women as active subjects in migration processes, which is based on prejudice, persists, norms and practices that perpetuate female subordination and discrimination in all areas of society by generating inequality. This document responds to the commitment of the eleven Member Countries of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) to promote, protect and guarantee the rights of migrant women in the region, in accordance with their international commitments.

Basic Manual for Hiring Migrants in Mexico

With an expanding labor market in many cities and regions of Mexico, the country is likely to become a destination country for thousands of foreign people. People from Central American countries make up much of this flow to Mexico, but there are also nationals of other Latin American countries and other continents who want to settle in Mexico, as well as many people of American nationality, including a large number who are relatives of Mexicans returning to their country of origin.

Labour migration - A case study of Guatemalan youth in Mexico

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) work together in the northern region of Central America to understand the links between labour dynamics and human mobility and to learn about the migration experience of young people of working age (aged 15-25) and who seek Mexico as a final destination or have decided to reside temporarily or permanently in that country to insert themselves in the labor market and know their hiring dynamics.  This study presents elements to know the recruitment and recruitment process.

Search for Missing Migrants in Central and North America: Five Good Practices from Organized Civil Society

Every year, thousands of people leave their homes in an attempt to forge a future that has become virtually unattainable in their countries of origin. Economic deprivation, lack of access to education and employment, structural violence, natural disasters and political instability have motivated people around the world, but mainly from Central American countries and Mexico, to seek a new life in the United States of America.

This document is available in Spanish.

Information Manual: challenges and opportunities in the recruitment of migrants in Mexico

International migration is a key element in development processes. The migratory corridor of Central America and Mexico is one of the most important in the world, through which both migrants from the countries of the area and people from other parts of the Americas and the world transit. Many migrants participate actively in the economic environments of the region, generating a dynamic where migration is an important factor of transformation. Labour migration is not without challenges in Mexico.